The Law Society of Alberta is committed to responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Calls to Action. Koren Lightning-Earle joined the Law Society of Alberta in June 2017 as Indigenous Initiative Liaison. Since that time, she has been developing a work plan and strategies for the Law Society to respond to the TRC calls to action. This work plan includes strategies directed at Law Society staff and Benchers as well as strategies in collaboration with both Indigenous lawyers in Alberta and Alberta lawyers generally.
As part of this work, Indigenous lawyers are invited to join us for a discussion. The Law Society is interested in hearing your feedback and having a good discussion about your thoughts on the Law Society and how we can do better at supporting Indigenous lawyers and implementing the Calls to Action. We will also have staff to present on the
proposed changes to the
Legal Profession Act. We will meet on;
- Monday, November 20, 2017, at Grey Eagle Resort and Casino, Tsuut’ina First Nation, Grey Eagle Drive & Glenmore Trail SW, Calgary, Alberta; and
- Monday, November 27, 2017, at River Cree Casino Resort on Enoch Cree Nation, located on corner of Whitemud Drive & Winterburn Road, Edmonton Alberta.