MAY 31, 2017
Law Firm Practice Management Assessment Tool Pilot Project
The law societies of Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (the Prairie Law Societies) continue to partner in developing proactive tools that work for lawyers in our jurisdictions. We are seeking 25-30 private law firms to participate in a pilot of a Law Firm Practice Management Assessment Tool.

We will work with participating law firms to ensure that concerns and aspirations are incorporated in the development of the Assessment Tool and will report back on how feedback was used.

We want to equip law firms with an effective Assessment Tool to support practice and client management and to mitigate risk to both the public and the profession. The Assessment Tool outlines fundamental building blocks of well-run and successful law practices through attainable objectives and practical resources. It is not our intention to add time-consuming and ambiguous requirements to the already busy lives of lawyers. This is why we are rolling out a pilot – to allow us to learn what works and what doesn’t.

To learn more about the pilot project and how we got here, please read our FAQ. We are seeking law firms from a variety of practice settings, areas of practice and communities. If your firm is interested in participating, email Len Polsky, Manager, Practice Management. 

Law Society Welcomes Indigenous Initiatives Liaison
The Law Society of Alberta is committed to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, specifically:

"We call upon the Federation of Law Societies of Canada to ensure that lawyers receive appropriate cultural competency training, which includes the history and legacy of residential schools, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Treaties and Aboriginal rights, Indigenous law, and Aboriginal–Crown relations. This will require skills-based training in intercultural competency, conflict resolution, human rights, and anti-racism."

To support us in this work, we are pleased to welcome Koren Lightning-Earle to the new role of Indigenous Initiatives Liaison, commencing on June 20. 

Koren will work with key stakeholders to develop initiatives to advance the process of reconciliation particularly surrounding access to justice for Indigenous peoples and cultural competency development for lawyers.

Called to Alberta Bar in 2009, Koren is highly involved in both the legal community and indigenous organizations. She is President of the Indigenous Bar Association, a member of the Federal Court Aboriginal Bar Liaison Committee, Vice President of the Kasohkowew Child Wellness Society and a board member of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada. She is a sought after speaker on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, community mobilization and Indigenous alternative dispute resolution.

In addition to running her own sole practice, Koren is a sessional instructor at Maskwacis Cultural College and is completing her LL.M with specialization in Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Koren’s knowledge and experience in building and strengthening relationships with Indigenous people and communities; guiding programs and initiatives; and delivering education and training materials will be an asset to the Law Society and the public we serve.
Join Mentor Connect
Are you looking for support in progressing your career?   Can you give something back by mentoring other lawyers? 

The Law Society created Mentor Connect to match mentors and mentees based on personal interests, areas of law and, where possible, geographical proximity. 

The Ask

We ask for a three month commitment to determine if the relationship is working and what benefits you are gaining from it. If you find it is working, we encourage you to continue. If there is a problem or the chemistry is wrong, a new pairing may be the answer. 

Mentors and mentees routinely tell us about the satisfaction and benefits they receive from participating in Mentor Connect. The overwhelming majority continue their mentoring relationships well beyond their initial commitment.

Sign Up

The Mentor Connect program is open to all lawyers in Alberta. More information about Mentor Connect and online registration is available on our website