The Law Society of Alberta is soliciting expressions of interest from members of the profession who are interested in sitting as Law Society nominees on the Rules of Court Committee.
The Rules of Court Committee is established under section 28.2 of the Judicature Act. It consists of representatives of each of the three Alberta Courts, a member appointed by the Minister of Justice, and two members of the Bar nominated by the Law Society and appointed by the Minister. The Committee was created in 1972 following discussions between the Courts, the Law Society and the Minister. By convention, amendments to the Rules of Court are not adopted until they have been reviewed and recommended by the Committee.
The Rules of Court Committee monitors the operation of the Rules, and recommends amendments as a result of submissions from the Bar, the judiciary, the public, or from the Committee’s own research. The Committee is assisted by two associated committees: the Family Law Rules Advisory Committee and the Surrogate Rules Advisory Committee.
Nominees must be members of the Alberta Bar with an interest in civil procedure, and a knowledge of the Rules of Court. Active involvement in a litigation practice in Alberta is desirable. The Committee meets approximately three to four times a year, usually in Edmonton, although participation by video conference is possible. Committee members can expect to receive inquiries and suggestions from other members of the Bar, and may be called upon to follow up or research issues of civil procedure that arise.
The successful nominee will be appointed to the Rules of Court Committee by the Minister of Justice and Solicitor General for a term of up to three years. The Government of Alberta is committed to an open, transparent, competency-based recruitment and appointment process. This commitment helps ensure that committees are comprised of a diverse range of qualified individuals. There is no remuneration for sitting on this Committee, though travel and subsistence expenses will be reimbursed.
The Law Society is now accepting expressions of interest from lawyers in Alberta. If you are applying please provide:
Please ensure that materials are provided to Don Thompson, QC, Executive Director, by 4 p.m. on Wednesday, February 8, 2017 by email to:
Don Thompson, QC, Executive Director
Law Society of Alberta
500, 919-11th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2R 1P3