Historically, LexisNexis PCLaw and ESILAW were the only two approved Law Society software vendors used for the data upload. Alberta lawyers have raised concerns regarding the limited options of available approved trust accounting software.
Throughout 2016, the Law Society worked with various software vendors to standardize the data model and format of their software’s trust accounting reports to ensure compatibility and compliance with our requirements. We are happy to announce that effective January 1st, 2017, Clio was approved by the Law Society for the ETTR Program. The Law Society is helping progress the practice of law by expanding the types of trust accounting solutions lawyers can use. The Law Society does not recommend any one vendor over another nor are these entities affiliated with the Law Society.
Note: Software vendors are deemed approved after they register and have their product approved through testing.
The Trust Safety Accounting Upload is due within one month of the designated filing date/year end of the law firm.